adjoint operator banach space

Hermitian and adjoint abelian operators on certain Banach spaces.
Self-adjoint operators on real Banach spaces.
Dissipative operators on Banach spaces.
adjoint operator banach space
adjoint operator banach space
Adjoint for Operators in Banach Spaces.Appl. 327 (2007) 257–268 of all compact adjoint operators from dual spaces of Banach spaces into dual spaces of Banach spaces and apply the theorem to.
May 21, 2013. Puttamadaiah, C. and Gowda, Huche (1986) On generalised adjoint abelian operators on Banach spaces. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 17 (7). pp.
Jan 29, 2012. I am interested in 'algebraic-density'-type properties of second adjoint operators in the algebra of bounded operator on a second dual of a.

A bounded linear operator T on a Banach space is said to be dissipative if. This notion is a natural generalization of bounded self-adjoint operators on Hilbert.
Transpose of unbounded operators between Banach spaces.
Oct 14, 2011. Keywords: Banach spaces;; linear projections;; adjoint operators;; weakly compact operators;; compact operators.
[3] F. F. Bonsall and J. Duncan, Numerical ranges of operators in normed spaces and of elements of normed algebras, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series.
Apr 27, 2012. How do you define "self-adjoint" for an operator on a Banach space? – Robert Israel Apr 27 '12 at 3:11. Dunno if this is standard, but you could.
functional analysis - The exponent of self-adjoint operator.
Appl. 327 (2007) 257–268 of all compact adjoint operators from dual spaces of Banach spaces into dual spaces of Banach spaces and apply the theorem to.
May 21, 2013. Puttamadaiah, C. and Gowda, Huche (1986) On generalised adjoint abelian operators on Banach spaces. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 17 (7). pp.
Jan 29, 2012. I am interested in 'algebraic-density'-type properties of second adjoint operators in the algebra of bounded operator on a second dual of a.