pigeonhole something definition

Definitions of pigeonhole - OneLook Dictionary Search.
pigeonhole - Definition from Longman English Dictionary Online.
I think you mean pigeon hole. It means to place someone or something into a particular category , that is very narrow. A pigeon hold sounds like.
What does pigeonhole mean? definition, meaning and.
Definitions of pigeonhole - OneLook Dictionary Search.
pigeonhole something definition
Pigeonhole principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.I think you mean pigeon hole. It means to place someone or something into a particular category , that is very narrow. A pigeon hold sounds like.
pigeonhole: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [home, info] . to decide that someone or something belongs to a particular type or group.
Definition of pigeonhole in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary.. Familiarity information: PIGEONHOLE used as a noun is rare.. Somebody ----s something.
/ˈpɪdʒ ənˌhoʊl/ Show Spelled [pij-uh n-hohl] Show IPA noun, verb, pi·geon· holed, pi·geon·hol·ing. noun. 1. one of a series of small, open compartments, as in.
pigeonhole - Macmillan Dictionary.
Definition of pigeonhole from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English.. pigeonhole somebody/something as something. Patsy was.
pigeonhole verb - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for pigeonhole verb: to have an often unfair idea of what type someone or something is:.
What does it mean to pigeon hole legislation - Wiki Answers.
pigeonhole: definition, pronunciation, and example sentences in Oxford. restrictive one, to which someone or something is assigned:people identified me with.
pigeonhole: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [home, info] . to decide that someone or something belongs to a particular type or group.